Tag Archive for: selling

In this solo episode, Bryan talks about the characteristics of a great sales operating system, including a “duh” factor and seriously quick speed to value.

He also teaches you how to use a BZSOS tool called CRM Clean-Up to help take some of the pressure off yourself – and get your CRM data so clean you can eat off of it

Want to learn more about the Blind Zebra Sales Operating System? Let’s Go!


Also mentioned in this podcast:


Please allow Bryan to introduce himself.

In this solo episode, Bryan shares a little bit about his personal and professional life.

You’ll hear the backstory of how his firm got such an interesting name. He also shares details about the evolution of the Blind Zebra Sales Operating System and explains the difference between a sales process and a sales operating system.

Ready to learn more about the Blind Zebra Sales Operating System? Let’s Go!


Also mentioned in this podcast: