Another example of a client who reached out beyond his comfort zone and took a huge risk with a prospect. We also are listening to your feedback.
Your input tells us that you want to hear more about how to be better at calling at C level suite. Bill and Bryan break it down by both the ‘mindset’ that you must have AND the sales tactics you must employ.
Mentioned in the podcast…
Connect with Bill and Bryan on Linkedin!


Ever wondered why your emails get very little response?

Well, here’s the answer…. It’s probably not the words you’re writing. Instead, it’s the thoughts you’re thinking WHILE you’re writing. 

>>> Watch the video <<< ( …and at the :33 second mark, you’ll see what we mean.


The new frontier of a modern sales person is in how you’re positioned in the client’s mind.

In this episode, Bill and Bryan reveal a real-life story of a listener who has taken this “expert positioning” seriously and expanded his position with a client. You’ll hear how a pharmaceutical sales rep worked with a client in a very different way to grow his business. And you’ll also hear how even though it worked, he’s still having trouble convincing his colleagues.

Mentioned in the podcast…

You’ve just written an email to a prospect who’s not calling you back. 
You get ready to hit SEND…but as you read it again, you realize it just doesn’t quite capture your thoughts. Here’s our advice: STOP – Don’t SEND! Instead, read EMAIL IT!, 
The Seller’s Guide to Emails That Work. (