Little did Bryan Neale know, we were still recording the podcast. Listen as he gets carried away with a movie quote.
We’ve all received it – that email that comes, ominously, from someone you hoped to work with. It’s the email that says, “Thanks, but no thanks.” And it’s like a punch to the gut.
Well, that all may be overly dramatic, but the fact is that we all have received the ‘ding letter’ whether it’s an actual letter or not. In this podcast, Bill and Bryan address, ‘what to do’ when you’re about to be dinged.
Rant Line
In this episode, Bill and Bryan mentioned the addition of the RANT LINE for listeners of the podcast. Call us at 317.575.0057 EXT. 10 if you’d like to leave a message, a rant, a question, or any other comment. They’ll get it on the air quickly.
Also mentioned in this episode:
- Join the Advanced Selling Podcast Linkedin group for daily discussions and networking!
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