As you look at your opportunities, it’s our guess that over one half of them have problems. No, not problems with the prospects themselves. But problems with the process you’ve taken them through.

In this episode, Bryan and Bill break down one of the most frequent problems we see when we coach sales people: the assumptive attitude.

That’s when you mistakenly assume you’re further along the sales cycle than you actually are.

You’ll learn:

  1. How to identify which of these prospects have issues
  2. What to do about them


Also mentioned in this podcast:

Sales people work too hard. They do so in the name of ‘aggressiveness’. We’re all proud of our TYPE A behavior.

But, wait a minute…why do we insist on working too hard when there is a huge potential right in front of us and we fail to see it?

In this podcast episode, Bill and Bryan give you some ideas on how to see what’s in front of you and how to harvest it.

Also mentioned in this podcast: