In problem solving terms, the rule is when you are confused about the next course of action you always start with, “How did we get here?” As we look at sales forces all over the world, we see problems like:

  • Closing percentages are low
  • Difficulty finding and getting in touch with buyers
  • Every part of the sales process gets commoditized
  • The sales process lasts way too long.

So, the first question we had was: How did we get here? The infographic below gives you some insight into how we see the world of professional selling today and helps you rethink your role as a salesperson.

*To explore this topic further, listen to this podcast (click here) or watch this video (click here).

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You probably couldn’t help but think of Roberta Flack (Killing Me Softly With…) but that’s not what this podcast is about.

Bill and Bryan address the recurring problem of ‘inadequate message’ when you are communicating your ideas to prospects.

Their intent in this cast is to help you expand your thinking about what you do–so that you can deliver a broader, more compelling message to prospects.

We’d love to hear from you on this topic on our LinkedIn group.

Also mentioned in the podcast…