advancedsellinpodcastgraphicbootWhat is The Advanced Selling Podcast all about? If you are a new listener this episode will set the foundation for everything the podcast teaches. If you are a long-time listener this is an episode you can come back to often. In this episode, Bill and Bryan will walk through the core beliefs they use to frame all of their training and coaching. You’ll gain a better understanding of these beliefs, why they are important and hear valuable real-world examples. Veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale will uncover the mindset of pro salespeople, the behaviors that govern success and the non-negotiable rules for working with your prospects.

advancedsellinpodcastgraphicbootDo you have a step-by-step process when you pursue new accounts? Or are you just winging it? In this episode of The Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan give you ideas on how to successfully pursue new accounts. You’ll need to make it your own, but the principles are universal. Veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale will walk you through the typical customer journey. You’ll understand how your actions must align with your customers on progress. Most importantly, you’ll hear the five key elements required for all successful new account prospecting.