Bill and Bryan address the biggest problem they get asked about from all the listener emails they get. They each took a current client they’re working with and outlined a struggle they had with this exact issue–stalled deals–and worked thru it so listeners can learn what to do.
If you have a question, email them at [email protected]
Tag Archive for: bill caskey
Do you use worthless buzzwords and vernacular that means nothing to prospects? Is it possible that your use of those actually stalls the sale? It seems like we are so impressed with our own terms and concepts, that we use them freely. But what if the customer doesn’t understand what you’re talking about–and they never tell you that? Can you make the prospect psychologically NOT OK by your use of buzzwords? We think the answer is “Yes.”
Bill and Bryan address the hazards of buzzwords and how to avoid them.
Bill and Bryan started their joint broadcast career in Indianapolis with a show called Business 360. Prime time: 1:00PM Saturday 🙂
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