Tag Archive for: bryan neale

In this podcast, Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale discuss what it’s like “working for the hammer” when your results don’t match the work you’re putting in. How do you manage your Inner Game and keep your motivation consistent when you have a sales manager or president driving the hammer down on you?

Bill and Bryan will provide some tips on how to approach this situation with ease and confidence. They will also share what’s going on in your manager’s head and explain why he may have become “the hammer” suddenly. Relief is out there… for sales people and managers alike.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

  • Bill is visiting Los Angeles this Thursday, September 12th and is inviting podcast listeners to join him for drinks at 5 p.m. If you’re interested in meeting Bill, he’ll be at the bar at Four Seasons in Thousand Oaks.
  • We’re mobile! Get the podcast app in the iTunes store. Search “Advanced Selling” for the free download. App listeners will get something a little extra each week.
  • Interested in what your fellow podcast listeners have to say? Join our LinkedIn group and find out.

In this podcast, Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale share the specific ways you can change your mindset in order to draw the right crowd to your prospecting events. The common misconception is that you must fill all of your available seats, but that can actually work against you. Bill and Bryan will tell you what shift to make to help grow your business and your reputation.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

  • Congratulate Matt H. on his first B2B sale in the Advanced Selling podcast LinkedIn group.
  • Check out our iTunes collection for past releases of the podcast.
  • Download the podcast to your smartphone by searching for “Advanced Selling” in the app store.