Tag Archive for: bryan neale

Srinivas Rao - Guest Expert on the Advanced Selling PodcastAs sales people today, we must be conscious to ‘think like marketers.’ One way to do that is considering the tribe we are building that will be suspects or prospects for our services in the future. The days of “marketing when we need the business” are over. We had better be top-of-mind when THEY have problems.

Our guest expert today is Srinivas Rao, author of The Small Tribe Strategy. In this podcast, we ask him how he would go about building the tribe of prospects if he were in sales today.

Also mentioned in this podcast:

Recently, an article was published by Steve Martin on the Harvard Business Review website called the Ten Reasons Sales People Lose Deals.

Bryan and Bill tear into the ten reasons and come up with solutions to three of them:

  1. What happens when you can’t get to the decision maker?
  2. What if you have a “nice to have” product that isn’t compelling for the prospect?
  3. How do you penetrate new accounts?

Also, send us any thoughts you have about these three or the other seven at [email protected]

Also mentioned in this podcast: