Tag Archive for: bryan neale

The mailbag question from a pharma-rep listener leads to a deeper discussion about the role a sales person should play in the sales cycle. It begins with a question on how you continue to bring value to your customers.

Bill and Bryan go deep with this one, not only answering the question for our listener, but giving all listeners some “positioning counsel.”


Join Bill this Wednesday (10/19 from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM ET) as he discusses the idea of “super leveraging” your assets in sales for 2012 with minimal effort.

Register here: http://oct2011expertseries.eventbrite.com/


Connect with Bill and Bryan on Linkedin!

Bill: http://www.linkedin.com/in/billcaskey
Bryan: http://www.linkedin.com/in/bryanneale
The Advanced Selling Podcast Linkedin Group: www.linkedin.com/groups/Advanced-Selling-Podcast-3831772

Most salespeople realize they must ask questions in order to find information.  The challenge though is that when they do, the prospect or client feels interrogated or impelled to give an answer even if it’s not truthful.

Bill and Bryan discuss a helpful tip from Seth Godin’s Blog, “No business buys a solution for a problem they don’t have…. And so the marketing challenge is to sell the problem.”

The 2Bs tackle this issue with examples on how salespeople can seek the pain and truth, while keeping the prospect okay throughout the process.

Today’s podcast comes from Whiteboard Wednesday – A Web TV Show for Sales Professionals.  For more information, please visit: www.youtube.com/whiteboardwednesday


Don’t forget to join The Advanced Selling Podcast Linkedin Group! (http://www.linkedin.com/groups/Advanced-Selling-Podcast-3831772)