Tag Archive for: prospecting

From the mailbag of listeners this week, two topics come up:

  • 1) Call Reluctance. A listener seems to have a little bit of it and we have some thoughts (all good, of course) on what to do about it.
  • 2) How Can I Demonstrate Value BEFORE the Sale? A listener struggles with this especially since his product is a premium product.

Two great topics that affect virtually every sales and account manager.

If you have a question to submit to the mailbag, write us at [email protected]

It’s one of the most common sayings about sales – always be closing. Common, yes. But it’s wrong.

In this episode, Bill and Bryan deal with the idea of taking out that prevailing wisdom of always closing. And, in it’s place, put in some other rules that fill the void. And the next time you go to sales training and the trainer gives voice to that worn out phrase, “always be closing”, you’ll have some new frameworks to teach them.

Also mentioned in this podcast: