Tag Archive for: sales

Do you know the impact cursing has on your sales calls?

In this special Opinions vs Reality episode, Bryan and Bill are joined by the hosts of Reveal: The Revenue Intelligence Podcast, Devin Reed and Sheena Badani.

The guys give their best opinion on whether cursing hurts or helps the sale and then Devin and Sheena give them a hint on whether they are right.

To listen to the Reality, subscribe to Reveal: The RI Podcast here: https://bit.ly/2VKDe6j


Want to explore Revenue Intelligence for your org? It starts here:

In this episode, Bill and Bryan talk about how to keep your sales process from getting stuck as you head into the center of it.

This usually centers around people and processes not behaving properly. The guys give you some clues on what’s going to help you navigate when you are stuck in the middle. 


Also mentioned in this podcast: