Bill flies solo today (Bryan back next week) and begins a mini-series on what it takes to form a good relationship with your prospect or client.
Sales people talk often about ‘relationships’ but it usually means, “Do I know them well enough that they will buy from me?”

This series focuses on the rules of a good relationship so you can see if you are really building them or just paying lip service to them.
Bill also cites a testimonial from a Canadian listener who used a very simple lesson she learned on the podcast to grow her business.

You’ve just written an email to a prospect who’s not calling you back. 
You get ready to hit SEND…but as you read it again, you realize it just doesn’t quite capture your thoughts. Here’s our advice: STOP – Don’t SEND! Instead, read EMAIL IT!, 
The Seller’s Guide to Emails That Work. (

In this episode, Doug Karr ( invites Bill and Bryan into his office for his weekly radio show on Blog Talk Radio. The essence of this discussion was focused on social media and it’s uses for sales professionals. While this may not be the first you’ve heard on this topic (that was a joke) you might want to know that Doug Karr is one of the nation’s authorities on using social media in the marketing function. 

One note we mention in the podcast is that the audio quality isn’t up to our normal high standards, but it’s doable. 
Follow Doug on Twitter at!/douglaskarr
You’ve just written an email to a prospect who’s not calling you back. 
You get ready to hit SEND…but as you read it again, you realize it just doesn’t quite capture your thoughts. Here’s our advice: STOP – Don’t SEND! Instead, read EMAIL IT!, 
The Seller’s Guide to Emails That Work. (