Bryan Neale posted a blog last week that got tons of response. The essence of it was that we can learn a lot about selling from Beastie Boys’ song lyrics and it was all inspired by Adam Yauch aka MCA who recently passed away.

OK…so it’s a stretch…but, in this podcast, Bryan and Bill address three of those lyrical riffs and explain how most sales people miss these insights–and thus lose sales.

You can read the blog by clicking here. Also, email us at [email protected] if you have a question you’d like Bryan and Bill to answer.

Also mentioned in the podcast:


OK, you’ve heard all of the statistics about how many Y’ers are in the workforce now. And you’ve also heard bits and pieces about their attitudes and attributes. Heck, maybe you ARE ONE!

But what is the truth behind the clutter?

In our podcast this week, Lori Ermi (The Ermi Group) spends time with Bill acquainting him to the intricacies of that generation and how you can better work with them and sell to them. Or, if you are one of them, you’ll enjoy her take on your generation.

Also mentioned in the podcast:

  • The Ermi Group