Episode Archive

Over 700 episodes designed to help you succeed

What To Do When You Get The “DING” Letter

We’ve all received it – that email that comes, ominously, from someone you hoped to work with. It’s the email that says, “Thanks, but no thanks.” And it’s like a punch to the gut. Well, that all may be overly dramatic, but the fact is that we all have received the ‘ding letter’ whether it’s […]

One Thing You Should Always Share with Prospects

In this week’s episode, Bill and Bryan address something you should always share with your prospects (and clients, too). It has to do with your “why” in business. Recently, Bill wrote a blog called 3 Reasons You Should Share Your Why With Customers citing Simon Sinek’s famous talk at TED on The Golden Circle. We […]

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When Buts Pop Up

The title might make no sense BEFORE you listen to this episode, but Bill and Bryan interview Josh Hinds, who is not only a podcast listener but also an author. Josh gives new meaning to the phrase ‘double entrendre.’ In this podcast, Josh shares some of the main concepts from his book, It’s Your Life, […]

Are You Persuading or Are You Positioning?

There is a right answer to that. But it may not be what you’ve been taught. So in this podcast, Bill and Bryan will review the difference and what they new model of selling requires from you. Here is the secret: Better positioning leads to less need for persuasion. Listen in and learn! Also mentioned […]

What Is A Good RFP Strategy?

There have been many entries on the ASP LinkedIn group about RFP (requests for proposals). So heated has been the discussion that we decided to devote an entire episode to RFP Strategy. While not a step-by-step solution, Bill and Bryan offer some hints and techniques to think through as you answer (or don’t answer) RFPs. […]
