Episode Archive

Over 700 episodes designed to help you succeed

Creating Great Relationships (Part 3 of 3)

This is the third in a series of three podcasts on Creating Great Relationships. Bill and Bryan address several other components of what makes good relationships with prospects and clients. You can also access the PDF that has all 8 . Go to www.advancedsellingpodcast.com and click on TOOLBOX. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You’ve just written an email to […]

Lying is No Way to Build a Relationship

Wow, that’s a profound statement, isn’t it? Of course it’s not. Yet, we salespeople sometimes have a problem with the truth–as in “the whole truth.” So, part 2 of our 3-part series on building strong relationships has to do with the candor you demonstrate with your client. The bottom line, as Bill and Bryan claim, […]

What Are the Rules of a Good Relationship? (Part 1 of 3)

Bill flies solo today (Bryan back next week) and begins a mini-series on what it takes to form a good relationship with your prospect or client. Sales people talk often about ‘relationships’ but it usually means, “Do I know them well enough that they will buy from me?” This series focuses on the rules of […]

Social Media for Salespeople

In this episode, Doug Karr (www.marketingtechblog.com) invites Bill and Bryan into his office for his weekly radio show on Blog Talk Radio. The essence of this discussion was focused on social media and it’s uses for sales professionals. While this may not be the first you’ve heard on this topic (that was a joke) you […]

So What’s Your Story? Does It Compel People To Listen?

Sales people in any profession MUST be better story tellers. Telling someone your information is not enough today. You must build the context through how you position your product. And the best way to do that is through your stories. Brooke Green is this week’s guest on the podcast. Brooke is a Caskey trainer and […]


Today (8/26) at 3:00pm Eastern Time, Bill and Bryan will be guests on Douglas Karr’s Blog Talk Radio – Marketing Technology. Listen at: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/marketingtech *If you can’t make it to the live radio show, then you can download it at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/marketingtech. Bill and Bryan will also have excerpts in upcoming shows.
