Episode Archive

Over 700 episodes designed to help you succeed

Finding Prospect Pain

Bill returns from Green Bay having worked with a group of sales people who were seeking knowledge and skills about how to find “prospect pain.” In this episode, Bill explains some of the intricacies of how to understand what motivates prospects to change from their current state to a new state.

Being Desperate Won’t Seal the Deal

The goal in most capabilities presentations is to sell your product to your potential buyer/prospect. Bill explains in this vignette how you might be pushing away your prospect during the presentation by coming off too desperate.

Is Your World Abundant or Scarce?

Abundance is a concept we talk about often, but in this podcast Bill devotes an entire 20 minutes to the topic.

Is Your World Abundant or Scarce?

Abundance is a concept we talk about often, but in this podcast Bill devotes an entire 20 minutes to the topic.

Never Compete With the Prospect

Through his training engagements, Bill has noticed one consistent trend–most sales people compete with their prospects during phone conversations. Bill suggests in today’s vignette one approach for you to create the perfect “call flow”.

The One Thing You Should Do Before You Solve Problems

Everyone fancies themselves as great problem solvers. But the one skill that we think you need PRIOR to problem-solving is “problem-finding.” In this episode, Bill and Bryan walk you through a Problem Finding approach that works perfectly for B2B sales professionals. Sales training today – and any sales strategy you employ – should have a […]
