Episode Archive

Over 700 episodes designed to help you succeed

Episode #387: Creating a Sense of Urgency

How do you create a sense of urgency for a prospect? In today’s episode, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale address one of their most frequently asked questions. What is the true role of a sales professional? Do you understand where your prospect is starting and where they are trying to go? In this […]

Episode #386: Is Enthusiasm Contagious? Or Dangerous?

Do you believe that enthusiasm is really contagious? In today’s episode, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale address the age-old attribute of enthusiasm. Bill relates a story of observing a struggling sales person trying to get one of his clients’ sales teams fired up to sell more stuff. It didn’t go well. Not because he wasn’t […]

Episode #385: New listener? Start here.

Are you curious how The Advanced Selling Podcast came into existence? In today’s episode, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale get personal.  They share how they began their careers in sales and how the podcast got its start. Whether you’re a longtime listener or new to the Advanced Selling Podcast, you’ll find valuable lessons […]

Episode #384: Lessons from a New Listener

A new set of eyes on anything can be valuable, even for the most seasoned pros. In today’s episode, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale capture best practices and strategies from a new listener to The Advanced Selling Podcast, Brittney Russo. You’ll hear how Brittney has used Bill and Bryan’s training to close large […]

Episode #383: Is Your Sales Bucket Leaking?

Do you have leaks in your sales bucket? In today’s episode, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale are fired up— not just about leaks in your bucket, but about discovering a leak in their own bucket too. Do you prospect when sales are good or only when things start to slow down? Do you […]

Episode #382: Sales Coaching for a Celebrity

Do movie stars make good salespeople? In today’s episode, veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale put celebrity status to the test as they break down a sales call by Hugh Jackman to place his fair trade coffee in grocery stores around the United States. You will learn a lot from Hugh’s approach, including how […]
