Episode Archive

Over 700 episodes designed to help you succeed

Episode #341: The Threat Factor

Do your prospects see you as a threat? Veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale explore the common “Threat Factor” that frequently occurs in sales situations. Is there a chance that you or the product/service you’re selling can be a threat to your buyer? Will buying from you ruffle any feathers in your prospect’s […]

Episode #340: Overcoming The NO

How do you handle a prompt “I’m not interested” from your prospect? Veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale discuss a question that came in from Marcin in Eastern Europe on today’s Mailbag Monday episode. They talk about when you exert pressure on your prospect you cause the feeling of flight. As a salesperson, […]

Episode #339: Better Stories = Better Selling – Bo Eason

[frame align=”middle”] [/frame]   How do you stand out from the pack— at work, in the sales process, anywhere? Veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale talk to THE expert on high-stakes storytelling in today’s episode. Back to The Advanced Selling Podcast by popular demand, Bo Eason shares his best practices for learning to tell […]

Episode #338: Distributor vs. Manufacturer: Your Value in the Process

To buy from a distributor or the manufacturer… that is the question. Veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale address the issue in this Mailbag Monday episode, inspired by a question from Greg. Does the distributor truly add value to the chain? How does your prospect decide who to buy from when they have a choice? […]

Episode #337: Stop Chasing Prospects — Coach Micheal Burt

[frame align=”middle”] [/frame] Do you think of yourself as a person of interest? Veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale interview bestselling author Coach Micheal Burt today as they explore how you can become the person everyone can’t live without.  Do you work with a coach? It may be a sales coach, a fitness coach, a […]

Episode #336: Ego: Confidence or Arrogance?

When you hear the word “ego,” do you cringe? Can ego be a helpful tool for salespeople? Veteran sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale explore the blessings and curses of a powerful ego in today’s episode. When does your ego get in the way of an interaction with a prospect? When can it help […]
