Episode Archive

Over 700 episodes designed to help you succeed

Episode #299: Sales Process Management

Salespeople tend to focus most of their attention on closing the sale, but hardly ever celebrate the sales process itself. What happens when we go right to the close? We vault. In skipping critical pieces of the sales process you jeopardize the sale. Veteran Sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale share the reasons why […]

Episode #298: Sales Meeting Acknowledgements

We talk a lot about upfront agreements controlling the sales process. What else should you include in your sales meetings? Acknowledgments. These are the truths, observations or appreciations you must share with others in the meeting to properly manage your process. In this episode of the Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan will share categories […]

Episode #297: Surviving A Sales Scolding

As a salesperson, how do you survive a sales scolding? It comes with the territory and can be delivered by sales managers, operations, marketing, even the CEO. The worst kind of scolding is one coming from a customer or prospect. Veteran Sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale share the emotions around being scolded and […]

Episode #296: Important Sales Statements

In sales there’s always an emphasis on asking the right questions. Is there anything else you absolutely must do with a prospect? Yes! It’s important to include key statements about your business as well. In this episode of the Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan provide multiple ideas for the best statements you can make […]

Episode #295: Introducing New Products

Your company has a brand new product or service. You’re really excited to share it with clients. How do you avoid the hard pitch and effectively introduce it? In this episode of the Advanced Selling Podcast, Bill and Bryan will share a few ideas to help jumpstart the conversation. Your approach can be as simple […]

Episode #294: Sales Knowledge

How do you effectively manage your sales knowledge? It may seem unimportant compared to other aspects of your process. Have you ever been in a sales meeting where someone hammers you with features and benefits? How about the person who gives you a complete oral history of their company? Veteran Sales trainers Bill Caskey and […]
