Episode Archive
Over 700 episodes designed to help you succeed
Over 700 episodes designed to help you succeed
There are over 1000 ASP episodes over the last 18 years – and there are over 13,000 connections on the ASP Group on LinkedIN
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How a Podcast Listener Landed a Big Deal
This is a special treat this week because we have a client who just landed a large deal with a new customer. And much of what he used he learned right here at The Advanced Selling Podcast. In this episode, Jeff spends 15 minutes telling you exactly what sales strategies and tactics he used and […]
Are Your Clients Really Loyal?
In Bryan Neale’s absence this week, I enlisted Phil Bounsall of Walker Information to talk about the issue of client loyalty. As sales professionals, a loyal client is a referring client. And since most of us count on referrals to grow our business, keeping your eye on loyalty is a MUST DO. Phil has excellent […]
Protected: External Phone Call 1-14-10
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Ask Bill and Bryan
In this episode, Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale address a question from an audience member on how to prospect when you’re already busy. And Bryan reveals a communication technique that helps as you’re explaining to a prospect what you do.
First Call Protocol
In this week’s podcast, Bill is going “solo” and talks about the first call “protocol.” We’ve received a lot of mail recently on “filling the sales funnel,” but the first discussion you have with a prospect is still vital. You have to set the tone in the right way. And to do that, you MUST […]
Bold Moves in the Sales Process
Sometimes we just need to have bold, bad sales moves. In this podcast, Bill and Bryan talk about two bold moves you can make as you pursue the sale.These moves are not intended to get someone to buy—that’s not cool. They ARE intended to move the sale along—or move it out.